My Top 10 Favorite Instagram Follows

Like pretty much everyone on the planet, I love Instagram.  It is by far my favorite form of social media and I spend the majority of my phone screen time on Instagram.  I'm always looking for new and inspiring people to follow on the Gram, and I feel like I've been really finding a lot of new accounts that I've been loving recently.  So, I thought I would share with you guys some of my favorite accounts that I follow.  I get a lot of inspiration for my own Instagram account from these people and hope that you guys check them out and give them a follow as well.

ONE // Chelsea Scott (@millenialmiss)

I just started following Chelsea about a week ago when I stumbled on her blog from a Pinterest post.  And from one sweep through the blog, I was hooked!  Her posts are so relatable and interesting to read as someone who is navigating adulthood for the first time and it feels like a big sister giving advice.  My favorite part about her Instagram account is her Instagram stories.  They are beautiful.  The way she plays around with the different fonts, colors, sizing and wording gives me so much inspiration for my own stories and graphics and it is so fun to watch her stories to see what exactly she is doing.  Her husband is also a relief pitcher for a professional baseball team so she travels all the time to watch him play which makes for some pretty great content!

TWO // Grace Atwood (@graceatwood)

Grace is another pretty recent follow.  I found her through another blog that I follow that did a little feature on her and I was immediately interested.  She runs a blog called The Stripe where she posts her book reviews, new blog posts, what it's like to live in NYC, and so much more.  Her Instagram is full of the same type of content, with an added bonus of seeing her cat, Tyrion.  She's actually getting him a lion cut today so I've been watching her stories religiously to see a first look and his hilarious new summer haircut!

THREE // Jessi Afshin (@jessi_afshin and @my_darling_diary)

This is a two for the price of one bullet point because both of her accounts are that good.  I first followed My Darling Diary which is a more Christian-based account.  Her graphics usually have a Bible verse or some sort of Godly reminder with a great message in the description.  I know obviously not everyone is the same religion or is even religious for that matter, but it is such a cute and happy account if you wanna check her out!  I also love her personal account where she posts a lot of fashion and lifestyle content.  She does still do a few religious posts, but her personal account is not centered around it like My Darling Diary is.  By the way, My Darling Diary also has a shop if you want to check that out!  They sell Bible study diaries, jewelry, sweatshirts, and more.  They also have a great message because everyone who helps out at the store is a victim of sex trafficking, so the store's mission is to help these women get back on their feet after going through hell and back which I really align with.

FOUR // Christina Wilcox (@christinaswilcox)

Like everyone, I have been really interested in Enneagrams and my own Enneagram type (Type 6's for the win, woo!) and Christina has a great Enneagram account.  She does a lot of "types as famous people quotes", "the type of person each type is drawn to" and even "how the types react to fireworks".  Each post is so artsy and cute, and she even recently opened a shop to sell her posts as prints you can hang.  Highly recommend, she is such a fun follow!

FIVE // Career Queen (@officialcareerqueen)

I first heard about this brand from Gals on the Go podcast where they interviewed the founder and CEO of Intern Queen, Lauren Berger.  Since I heard this episode when I was about to graduate college, I didn't relate with finding an internship.  However, I found out that there was another account, Career Queen, that was much more my vibe.  They have blog posts with career and adulting advice as well as IGTV videos, graphics with fun office quotes, resources for finding a job, and so much more.  Even if you have a job, some of the advice is great and still useful and the graphics are fun no matter what stage of life you are in!

SIX // Co-Star Astrology (@costarastrology)

Like the Enneagram, I have always been super into my horoscope.  I am very in tune with how much of a Gemini I am, and always have been.  I've had the Co-Star app for awhile now and religiously check my horoscope every morning.  But, I love the Instagram account because it always does "the signs as..." posts which I've always loved and I find that each and every one is so accurate and on point for my sign.  Definitely a great follow if you are into horoscopes as well.

SEVEN // Abby Asselin (@abby.asselin)

I have been watching Abby on YouTube for about two years now and she is one of my favorite college YouTubers.  She is going into her senior year at the University of Alabama where she's studying accounting and finance.  Her videos are so productive, she eats super healthy and works out a lot, and her Instagram account is just as inspiring.  I have tried so many of the recipes and workouts that she posts about and she is just a real and genuine person on her YouTube and her Instagram.  She is so open about how much she loves doing YouTube and social media and how it is brought her out of her shell and she enjoys life so much more because of it.  She also has an adorable relationship with her boyfriend and has an adorable adopted dog named Ella!

EIGHT // Brooke Miccio (@brookemiccio)

Another one of my favorite YouTubers whose awesome content bleeds over onto her Instagram!  Brooke just graduated from the University of Georgia and is now starting her first full time job in Boston.  I relate to Brooke so much since I also just graduated from college and her videos and posts are so relatable and not at all sugar coated.  Absolutely love her.

NINE // Carly Heitlinger (@carly)

I've been following Carly and reading her blog since I was a junior in high school (so about 5 years!).  Carly is yet another person with super relatable content (can you sense a theme on my feed? lol).  She is very open about her anxiety and panic attacks, how to handle being a workaholic, not caring about what others think, and all of her life changes (breakups, moves, new boyfriends, and she just bought her first house!).  One of her New Year's Resolutions was to read 52 books this year so she is constantly updating her stories with the books she is currently reading and her rating of them.  I have gotten the majority of my book recommendations this past year from her and I have not been disappointed yet!  Plus her dogs are so stinking cute, if that gives you an incentive to follow her!

TEN // Julia Engel (@juliahengel)

I actually found Julia through Carly because they are best friends!  Julia also has an awesome fashion blog and started her own clothing line a little over a year ago (Gal Meets Glam).  The dresses are so cute and I love seeing sneak peeks of them on her Instagram stories and her behind the scenes pictures from the photo shoots.  Her and her husband, Thomas, are also adorable and have a great relationship, and they're about to have their first baby in August!!!! I'm so happy for them and can not wait to see their baby girl!

What are some of your favorite accounts to follow on Instagram?  And do you already follow any of these accounts?

xoxo, Hannah


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