2018 Favorites

I am very aware that we are very into 2019 already, but I thought it would be fun to do one last little recap of 2018.  I wanted to talk about not only products that were my favorite throughout the year like most people do, but also my experiences and lifestyle changes that I made throughout the year.  So, without further ado, here are my favorite parts of 2018!


As a college student, I spend a lot of time out of town in my college town, so family time is hard to come by.  However, in 2018 I feel like I made so much more effort to be with my family and I loved every second of it.  We travelled together all summer, celebrated some big milestones, like my brother graduating from high school and me turning 21.  We had lots of adventures over the summer, not to mention all of the times they came to visit me at school and I came home to see them.  This winter break, though, has seemed extra special to me.  Christmas is my favorite time of year and I am so blessed to be able to spend it with people as great as them!


As a college student, coffee is my life.  Although I've liked coffee for a few years now, it used to only be caramel macchiatos and iced coffee that was more cream and sugar than coffee.  I also used to live on my Keurig.  However recently, I've been liking stronger coffee over coffee in general.  My Keurig just doesn't do it for me anymore, and I've been spending way more money at Starbucks than I should.  I also really hate milk (yeah weird I know) so I've switched to almond milk in my lattes and buy almond creamer which is a huge game changer.  My knew Starbucks order lately has been an iced vanilla latte with sugar free vanilla and almond milk if I want an iced drink, and a flat white with almond milk if I want something hot.  So good.

Also while at home for break, I've been making pour over hot coffee.  Oh my god, so good.  I seriously don't know what I'm going to do without it back at school!  My mom also bought a cold brew pot on Amazon so we've had fresh cold brew every day as well, which I'm actually drinking right now!  Since I only have one semester left of college and am planning on moving back home after graduation, there's no point in buying me all of this fancy stuff to make coffee at school, so I'm honestly not looking forward to how I'm going to make coffee once I get back from break!


I did a lot more traveling in 2018 than I have in years past!  I went to Rhode Island to visit my family in July, and honestly I could see myself on the East Coast.  I love it there so much and truly feel like an East Coast girl at heart.  Sometimes, while applying to jobs for after graduation (yikes), I wish I could pull the trigger and get a job and move to Boston.  The truth is, though, that I would definitely not be able to afford that right out of college, and I am too close with my family here to pick up and move away from them.  But as long as I get to go back once a year, which we do, that will make my heart happy!

I also visited my room mate and best friend over the summer in Chicago for the Wrigleyville bar crawl!  It was my first time traveling by myself (I took the train there) and my first bar crawl as a 21-year-old.  We had such a blast in downtown Chicago, and we are already trying to figure out a time to get together again, both in St. Louis with me and Chicago for her!

Lastly, I spent my fall break in Disney World for my birthday (5 months late lol).  I absolutely love Disney World.  I have been there eight times now and the magic and my love for it never wears off.  I definitely don't see it as a "kid" place, and I honestly love it more as I get older and older.  It is something my mom and I plan for and love together, and we are already trying to plan and figure out another time for us to go back!

FOUR // CONFIDENCE (although it's still hard sometimes)

2018 has honestly been my most confident year yet.  Throughout the year I have grown to love myself more, and more importantly, to know myself more.  I know what I want in friends and in life, and for the first time since maybe the beginning of high school, I have been growing with myself instead of with a guy or for a guy.  It's honestly the best thing for me right now.  Sometimes it's frustrating to feel good about myself when looking in the mirror or comparing myself to other people.

When I first took the above picture, I honestly hated the way I looked in it.  I thought my thighs where too big, and that I looked fat, and almost didn't want to post it.  But you know what?  It's my second most liked picture on Instagram.  Trust me, I know that likes and comments on social media don't matter, and even now looking at it, I love how happy I look and I remember how much fun I had that weekend.  And every body is made different, and I have bigger legs from dancing since I was five-years-old.  Everyone is different, and learning that and learning more about myself in 2018 has made me a more confident person, and I am still learning how to be the best, most confident version of myself.


In 2018, I honestly feel like I have learned who my true friends are.  I've taken more seriously how people treat me and if I'm not treated right, there's no reason to have them in my life.  Because of this mindset, I have made some truly amazing friends who I honestly feel like will stick with me for the rest of my life.  I can only hope that these people will continue to be in my life for a long time, and that I will continue to make great friends in 2019.


In 2018, I really started to focus on self care more.  Whether it was taking some time and laying in bed watching YouTube or Netflix, reading a good book, or sleeping in a little more some days.  I started listening to both my body and mind more and think more about what I need more of to make myself feel good. 

Also, at the end of 2018, I started using essential oils and let me tell you, game changer.  I have a lavender roller ball one that I keep in my backpack/purse and like to use whenever I feel anxious.  I roll it on my wrists or under my nose and it helps calm me down when I feel stressed.  I also got a diffuser and have been using oils in there and love them!  I bought one specifically for sleep at Target and use it literally every night, and I honestly think I've been sleeping better because of it.


I used to listen to podcasts here and there in years past, but in 2018 I really got addicted to them!  I'm subscribed to six right now that I really love, and literally listen to one every day.  I listen to them when I drive, on my Echo when I'm getting ready, in bed at night, in my Air Pods when I'm doing things around the house, and more.  I wrote a post about my favorite podcasts if you want to check that out, but I definitely recommend finding some podcasts that you love!


I've been paying way more attention to what I use to wash my face.  Although my routine is still changing as I'm trying to figure out what works best for my skin, I'm paying more attention to what products work and don't work for my skin.  This is my current skin care routine that I do twice a day (which is also a new develop in 2018):


I've talked about this on here before, but I had a pretty hard first year of college.  But throughout 2018 I became more involved in organizations, made more friends, and really started to make a home in my college town.  I also have been immersing myself in my major and minor classes, and am starting to study things that I really enjoy, so college has been really enjoyable for me lately, and I finally feel like I am having the true college experience.  I can't believe I only have one semester left, but I am ready to live it up!


My 21st birthday has definitely been my favorite birthday yet, and not just because I'm finally legal!  I got to spend it with my best friends from school who came down to visit me, and my family, and we got to do some of my favorite things all weekend.  It was the best weekend, and truly made me realize how blessed I am with the people in my life.


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