2019 Goals

It has officially been a week in 2019!  My 2019 has started off a little rough because I had mouth surgery this past Thursday.  Nothing crazy, it was just a gum graft.  It literally took like 10-15 minutes and I was numbed but eating definitely is a challenge now, especially since the graft was done at the front of my mouth.  I even tried eating really soft mac and cheese the other day and I was so sore from just that little bit of chewing.

But anyways, today I will be talking about how I did with my goals for 2018, and what my new goals are for 2019!  So, here is how I did in 2018:

FITNESS // In 2018, I wanted to go to the gym at least once a week that wasn't for dance practice.  I honestly was doing really well with this for the first two months...and then I joined my team's competition team.  Which means I added two more practices a week for a total of five practices a week.  Although I did have two days off, I decided that that was enough and kept those days off.  Then, over the summer, I bought a three month gym membership and went at least once a week.  It got more difficult as the summer went on with working a part-time internship and a part-time job, but I made sure to try and make it there at least once a week!  Competition started back up once the school year came around again, so no gym for me, but overall I feel like a lived a much healthier and more fit 2018.

READING // This was a pretty small goal.  Since I'm so busy during the semester, I only wanted to read one book per semester.  I definitely did this and also read all summer.  Although my reading list on Good Reads is getting more books in it than I can read (oops...)I have transferred books to the "Read" list, so this was a success as well!

FOCUS ON MYSELF // I started to think more about myself and what I want in the second half of 2018, and I decided that I want to keep having this mindset in 2018.  Doing things for myself, doing more of what makes me happy, and not really caring what other people think.  Sometimes this has come back to bite me in the butt a little bit, but overall I had a much happier 2018 because of it.

INTERNSHIPS // I was stressing myself out the past two years trying to find internships and work experience, and all I wanted to do in 2018 was to get one.  And...I did!  Although I can't see myself working there in the future, it gave me some great experience, I made some great connections and networking opportunities, and it looks really good on a resume!  Now to find a job for after graduation...

So now, without further ado, here are my 2019 goals!


As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I had gum graft surgery.  Because I wasn't flossing, my gums got pretty bad in one spot.  Although the procedure was fairly quick and easy, it was a real wake up call.  I had only flossed my teeth when the dental assistant did it for me twice a year.  Well now, as soon as I am all healed and get the all clear again, we are brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.


This is kind of growing on my reading goal from last year, but now instead of just wanting to finish a book, I want to read at least a chapter of one a day.  So far, I have been doing this in bed right before going to sleep, or even in the waiting rooms of all of the appointments I always schedule over break,  This may be more difficult once I get back to school, but I like doing it so far because I really did miss reading for pleasure.

THREE // BE ACTIVE EVERY DAY (whether it's for 20 minutes or 2 hours)

Again, another expansion on a goal from last year.  I can't really do this right now because, you know, surgery, but before my procedure I was doing well with this and I already know it will be easy to keep up with at school since I live off campus and literally walk everywhere.  Whether it's dance practice, an extra walk, or even just a quick 20 minute work out from Pinterest in my room, I want to keep up with being at least a little bit active. And I can already feel a difference mentally these past few days when I haven't been able to do anything.  Although the physical benefits from being active are great, I love how energized I feel afterwards, and I love how great I feel mentally as well.


Okay, so just reading this, it sounds dumb.  Of course I know how to read.  And I have a Bible.  But so many people can just sit down, do Bible studies, and just overall know the right way to read a Bible.  You know how I know how to read a Bible?  Chronologically.  I have already started this by downloading an app called "She Reads Truth".  They have different Bible studies for free do do with comment sections at the end of each reading to discuss with other app users.  And the best part?  It's all women!  (There's an app called "He Reads Truth" for the males who want to do this as well!).  When searching through the different studies, I found the perfect one for me: Read the Bible in 365 days.  So I started it and have been doing it every day.  And instead of just reading it, saying "cool", and moving on, I love reading the comments at the end and kind of using that as my study and seeing how the readings for the day affect other women doing the same study as me.


So far I have kept up with this daily, but I made my goal at least weekly so that if I missed a few days, I wouldn't be failing my goal.  When I first started it, I had not idea what I was supposed to write about.  I even Googled "what to write in a journal".  In the end, I just decided to write about what I did that day, my feelings throughout the day, literally whatever flowed from my pen.  And I love it.  I also put my highs and lows of the day in there to look back on and see what little things made me happy, or what lows I got through.


As you remember, I neglected this blog last semester.  Mainly because I was insanely busy, and had no real posting schedule.  But now, I want to dedicate more time to this blog and maybe even make some big changes this year.  Mainly after I graduate and can really focus on the blog.  But I have so many posts ready to write, and so many ideas to make it more visually pleasing.  So, stay tuned!


Although I have a job at school and it pays the bills, that's about all it does.  Once my bills are paid, I don't have a lot leftover for food, gas, groceries, and fun stuff.  I end up asking my parents for a lot of money, and although I am blessed and fortunate that they do not mind loading money to my bank account when I need it, I want to start saving more.  At this point last year, I had like nothing in my bank account.  I made a lot of money over the summer, and still have a good amount now, but I don't want to take that for granted.  Last year, I said "I have money in my account, I can afford that trip to Target, or that extra coffee, or that online shop".  But this year, I want to only splurge when I really need to and try and save money more than I spend it.


I love talking.  In fact, that's one of the reasons that I have this blog, so that I can get all of my thoughts out there.  But sometimes I like to talk so much, that I don't listen to other people and only wait for when it's my turn to get a story in.  This year, I want to take a step back and listen to what other people have to say instead of just waiting for the next opportunity to get my story in.


I only have one more semester in college.  I want to take more pictures with my friends, of my school, or even just something that I think is pretty or aesthetically pleasing.  I used to take pictures of everything in middle school and the beginning of high school.  And I'm gonna be really honest here, but I got made fun of for it.  So I stopped.  So now, I want to take more pictures.  I don't have to post every single one.  Even if they're only for me, I want to have these pictures for me so that I can look back at them and all of the memories that they entail.


Like most millennials, I am always looking forward to something.  To the weekend, to the next trip, for the day to be over.  And honestly, this is just me wasting my life away, and I don't want to do that anymore.  So I want to start being grateful for every day, and everything that that day entails.  I'm hoping that journaling will help me with this, but I also want to realize it throughout the day, not just when I'm writing about it at the end of the day.

Thanks for reading and good luck on your own New Year's goals!  xoxo, Hannah


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