Currently I'm...

Since I was absent on this blog for so long, I think it's time for a sort of "life update" type post.  I've posted what I've done and everything, but what are my favorites?  What am I currently loving or doing?  I found a template on Pinterest filled with questions to answer, and thought it would be a nice way to document where I'm at for me, and for you guys to see what I've been doing and loving lately!

READING: P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han.  It's the sequel to To All the Boys I've Loved Before.  I had seen the Netflix movie, so I figured, why not read the book?  It's very high school and a quick and easy read, but I seriously enjoyed it!  It ended with a pretty big cliffhanger, and I'm already about 60 pages into this one.  I'll most likely end up reading the third one too.

WATCHING: I'm honestly in the middle of a lot of Netflix shows right now...oops.  I'm almost done with the first season of How to Get Away With Murder which I'm really loving.  I also joined the hype started watching You.  I literally started it yesterday and am already halfway through it, so I expect to finish it pretty quickly.  And then the shows that I actively keep up with on Hulu the day after they air on Grey's Anatomy, This Is Us, and The Bachelor.  Not even that big of a fan of Colton, I'm just really sucked into the show...definitely time I won't get back but it's entertaining so why not🤷🏼‍♀️.

EATING: I'll be completely honest.  I've been eating like crap over winter break.  I literally had cake for breakfast this shame.  My mom and I love to bake and go out to eat and get drinks together.  I'm also definitely not as active at home as I am at school.  But honestly, I don't even care.  I'll get back in a good routine when I'm back next week and shopping and cooking for myself.  Although I will miss all of the fun family outings.

DRINKING: Basically all I drink is coffee and water.  And sometimes a glass of wine at night with my parents.  I even had a cup of coffee at 6 p.m. last week.  What can I say, I'm addicted.  I also always have a full water bottle of water with me at all times.  Usually it's my hydroflask with a straw, but since I had mouth surgery and can't use a straw, I've been using my RTIC which is also incredibly amazing.  My dad is obsessed with the company and has so many products from there.  It works the exact same asm Yeti, but is so much cheaper.  I'm actually drinking my coffee out of an RTIC coffee mug right now, and it keeps my coffee hotter so much longer.  Of course at school I'll probably be buying coffee ore than making it, and drinking more alcoholic beverages than just wine, but the water intake will stay consistent.

CRAFTING: I've actually been trying to learn how to knit within the past month.  I'm trying to make a scarf right now and it's definitely not the best.  I keep adding stitches by accident so then I drop them so the scarf doesn't get awkwardly bigger.  But then that makes the scarf kind of lumpy.  It's definitely a work in progress, but I actually like knitting.  And will probably like it even more once I get the hang of not accidentally adding and dropping stitches.

LISTENING: I make playlists for each season on Spotify filled with songs that I'm loving at the moment.  This season, I'm really into Post Malone and Drake.  Wow. by Post Malone is seriously a game changer right now.  I always start my playlist with that song whenever I get in the car.  I also love "Nonstop" by Drake and "Going Bad" with Meek Mill and Drake.

ENJOYING: Family time.  I wrote about this in my 2018 Favorites post, but I've had a lot of family time lately, especially during break since a lot of my friends from college don't live in my hometown.  I love spending time with my family, and I'm really trying to soak it up since this is my last week at home before I go back to school for my last semester.

PLANNING: I'm trying to plan my life right now, but we'll see how this ends up!  I've been planning out and making schedules for this coming semester, as well as planning everything to start applying to jobs for after graduation.  It's definitely a lot and can be overwhelming, but I know that it will all be worth it once I get something.

Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Hannah


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