Always Saying "Yes"

Ever since my freshman year of college, my professors have always told us "say yes to every opportunity".  I remember sitting in class thinking, "That's dumb, why would I say yes to something I don't want to do?"  And because I didn't listen to this advice, I struggled throughout my first two years of college.

If I didn't want to do something, I just decided to do something else or nothing at all.  And it wasn't just job related things, it was with sorority events, going out with my room mate and her friends, and even going to study or the dining hall with people.  Without even trying any of this, I said "no" because I decided that I "wasn't that person".  And because of this, my freshman year was miserable.

My sophomore year I was living in my sorority house, and was determined to change this.  I wanted to have fun, make friends, and actually enjoy being at school.  And I finally stopped saying no.  I still wasn't very happy in college, but because I started to say yes and be more involved and do more with others, I began to work toward being better.

I joined the dance company on campus, and these people are now some of my absolute best friends.  Dance practice always makes me happiest, even when I'm so stressed out and feel like staying home or skipping.  We also usually end up getting food after practice such as Moe's, McDonald's or Taco Bell and sitting in someone's car and talking, where I tend to laugh harder than I ever have.  I also have a position on the executive board this year as the treasurer, where I get to be even more involved and help plan events for this organization, which I am so passionate about and proud of.

I also joined the executive board of my sorority second semester of my sophomore year.  This "yes" was absolutely terrifying for me, and even though my position was so stressful and I couldn't wait until my term was over, I am so blessed to have had this opportunity and am so happy that I got to do it!  When the nominating committee called me into the room and asked if I wanted to run for the position, I immediately stayed in my comfort zone and replied "no way".  But after being encouraged by other members of my sorority I said, what the heck, I'll do it.  And even though someone else ran against me, and I had to give a speech in front of my entire chapter, I ended up getting the position.  Being the Public Relations Vice President made me more confident, able to take criticism, and more outgoing.

Those are just two examples, but because of saying yes I got an on campus job, got the position of a recruitment counselor for the summer/beginning of next school year, and an internship for the summer!

The purpose of this very wordy post is for me to suggest to you to jump out of your comfort zone.  It may be incredibly scary, but it will be so worth it.  And I speak from experience!  So let this be a reminder, that the thing that is on your mind that you want to do: do it.  It may be scary, but it will be so worth it.  The worst that can happen, is someone will say "no" to you.  And trust me, I speak from experience for that too.  You have no idea how many internships I have applied for throughout the last year and have received a "we regret to inform you..." email.  But if you don't try, you'll never know.  And you never know, it could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.

xoxo, Hannah


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