
Showing posts from March, 2018

Book Review: You Are A Badass

One of my New Year's Goals was to try and start reading more.  I absolutely love reading, but I never can fit in the time to read when I'm at school.  I use the app "Goodreads" ( highly  recommend by the way) and set a goal to read 20 books for the year of 2018.  I haven't been doing too well so far, but I read a lot during the summer, so I'm ready to meet my goal! I recently finished the book You Are A Badass  by Jen Sincero as part of my reading goal, and to kind of see what all of the hype for the book was about. Let me tell you, I loved  this book!  I've been in a mindset throughout 2018 to start doing things for myself and to do what makes me happy, and to not care what other people think about that.  This book preaches this mindset.  It made me even more motivated to get in touch with my "inner self", and gave some great tips for how to keep in that mindset, because sometimes it can be a struggle. It gave some great advice abou...

Who I Watch On YouTube

Since I am currently at home for Spring Break and not going on a trip, I am spending a lot of break watching YouTube!  I've been watching YouTube for so long and have added and gotten rid of subscriptions for years.  I am always so interested in seeing who other people watch, so I thought I would share some of my faves!  So without further ado, here is my YouTube Subscription List! 1. ABBY ASSELIN I started following Abby about a month ago, and I'm so so glad that I found her!  She is a sophomore at the University of Alabama who mainly does "College Day in My Life" videos.  They are some of my favorite videos to watch, and she gives me a lot of ideas such as healthy meals, workout routines, and study tips!  It also helps that her dog is absolutely adorable! 2. GRETCHEN GERAGHTY Gretchen's channel is another recent find.  I started watching her videos in January and am so  glad that I subscribed!  She is another YouTuber in colle...

What I Eat At College

This year is really the first year that I have started cooking for myself.  Freshman year I lived in a dorm, so I would either eat microwavable macaroni and cheese, eat at the dining halls, or go out to eat.  Sophomore year I lived in a sorority house, so we had a chef that cooked lunch and dinner for us throughout the week.  This year, I live in an off campus house which means I have to go grocery shopping for myself and actually cook some meals.  It took a lot of getting used to in the beginning, but now it's actually kinda fun to plan out what I want to eat and make it.  So here is what I eat throughout the week. BREAKFAST What I eat for breakfast usually depends on how much time I have in the morning.  On the mornings that I have dance practice at 7am, I usually eat a Chobani flip cup yogurt.  These things are so good!  There are so many different flavors that I never get bored of having them! I also buy Quaker Oats to make my own oat...

College Day in My Life: Saturday March 3

Hello everyone! I am back with another day in my life!  This past Saturday was so busy, but so much fun, so I thought it would be a good day to write about! My day started with me waking up around 8:00am to start getting ready for the day.  I had a few errands to run, so I wanted to get ready and eat breakfast before having to head out. I had my favorite easy breakfast in college: oatmeal!  I used 1/2 cup of oats, 1 cup of almond milk and cooked it in the microwave.  I then added brown sugar and peanut butter for taste and it was so good! I then finished getting ready by washing my face, brushing my teeth, making my bed, and getting dressed!  Here is my OOTD: Tank top is a Gamma Phi tank top we got for recruitment, cardigan is from Target, leggings are the brand Hue from Dillards, and shoes are from Target! I then started my errands.  Of course I had to make a stop at Starbucks for a caramel macchiato first (I'm addicted, it's fine.  Li...

College Day in My Life: Wednesday February 28

Some of my favorite videos to watch on YouTube are "Day/Week in My Life" videos.  Most of the YouTubers I watch are also college students, so seeing their routines, outfits, and meals helps give me some inspiration for my own day.  Because I love watching them so much, I thought I would try writing blog posts about the previous day in case anyone else would benefit from these inspirations.  Because I decided on this today and I don't have anything except videos from yesterday, there won't be any actual pictures from yesterday and today, but tomorrow I will start taking pictures of my outfits, food, and more! My Wednesdays always start bright and early! I usually get up around 6:30 because I have dance practice at 7am.  But I didn't end up getting out of bed until 6:45 because I ended up turning all of my alarms off in my I had to quickly get ready, pack my bag, and head out the door! My morning dance practices are a group of us from my usual dance g...