2020 Goals

Happy 2020, everyone!  I hope you all had a great holiday season!  I seriously cannot believe that the holidays are already over.  Christmas is my favorite holiday and I'm already looking forward to next year's Christmas.  Now that it is a new year, it is time for some new goals.  I like making a post for this every year because it keeps me accountable, and I love looking back on the past year to see if I accomplished what I wanted and made myself that much better.  So, before I get into what I want to accomplish this year, here is a recap of my 2019 goals:

BETTER DENTAL HEALTH // This was probably my top goal for the year since I had surgery at the beginning of the year for not having great dental health.  I now brush my teeth twice a day and incorporate flossing once a day, and have not had any more gum problems since!  I also got a Sonicare electric tooth brush for Christmas so my dental health will continue to get better in 2020!

READ A LITTLE BIT EVERYDAY // This was another successful goal.  I read a total of 25 books this year, which is more than I read in 2018!  I love reading, and love making it a priority, and there is definitely another reading goal coming for 2020.

BE ACTIVE EVERY DAY // I would say this was partly accomplished.  Obviously with dancing and living of campus I accomplished this, but once graduation hit and I didn't have a gym membership, this got a little difficult.  I started using the Workouts for Women app over the summer and I definitely noticed a difference.  I felt so much stronger and enjoyed the quick and easy workouts, but once I started my internship, I fell off of the active grind.  At the beginning of November, I tried a spin class on a whim and now I'm obsessed.  I started going to spin twice a week, and I still am.  Although that turned out to not be every day, I've been prioritizing fitness which is a win for me.

LEARN HOW TO READ MY BIBLE // I was really on a Bible-reading grind up until July.  I was reading it every day twice a day, checking off books and was loving it.  And then I started my internship.  I was working longer hours, and just kind of fell off of it.  Throughout the last few months of the year I would read a little or start other Bible study plans, but I never kept up with it.  A little disappointed that this one didn't stick all year, but I'm determined to finish the whole Bible plan I started last year and will continue to work on it.

JOURNAL WEEKLY // I'm going to be really honest here: this did not happen.  I was journaling every single day up until I went back to school for second semester.  Whoops.  But I did get a Five Minute Journal for Christmas this year to start practicing gratitude.  I have kept up with this every day so far, so we'll see how this goes🤷🏼‍♀️

POST ON BLOG ONCE PER WEEK // This also was a little touch-and-go.  I started out by accomplishing this and over the summer even did twice a week.  But again, I got busy and neglected the blog.  I'm feeling more motivated this year (as i tend to do at the beginning of a new year) so I have inspiration and motivation so I'm going to be posting a lot more as of now, and hope that I keep up with it.  This blog is my creative outlet and I genuinely love writing and creating graphics and just being creative in general, so will hopefully be utilizing this more.

SAVE MORE MONEY // Honestly, this goal was pretty successful.  Especially since I didn't work over the summer and just finished an unpaid internship, I think I've done pretty well.  I pay for spin classes on my own, use gift cards when I can, and overall really just spend money on spin and gas.  I want to save even more this year so that I can buy a new car, pay off student loans, and just become a real "adult".

BE A BETTER LISTENER // Again, this will always be a work in progress, but I really think I did well with this.  Although I am a big talker, I tried to really listen to other people and their stories instead of just telling one of my own to "relate" to others.  This will always be something I'm working on, but I think I made some really good progress with this.

TAKE MORE PICTURES // This was definitely a success!  It's actually on my to do list to transfer pictures from my phone to my laptop so that I have more storage on my phone.  I have so many random pictures and fun pictures and just so much that it's fun to look back on.  I love that I made the effort to do this and is great to look back on.

APPRECIATE THE LITTLE THINGS // This is another thing that I forgot to make the effort to do every single day, but when I did remember, I could tell a difference.  Especially with using my Five Minute Journal now, it really makes me think back on the day and realize what little things I enjoyed that I maybe didn't think about as they were happening.  Will definitely continue this into 2020, and will hopefully think more about it throughout the day instead of just once in awhile.

And now, for this year's resolutions!

HAVE A FULL TIME JOB // I loved my internship.  But, it was just that: an internship.  I completed it halfway through December, but I am now unemployed yet again.  Although I loved my internship, I am ready to be paid and to have something more permanent.  Job searching is hard but I am trying my best and will hopefully have a permanent job sooner rather than later in 2020.

COMPLETE 50 SPIN CLASSES // I talked about this at the beginning of this post, but I started spinning in November and I seriously love it.  The classes at my studio are pretty cheap, and I get a really good workout in.  Instead of just saying "keep going to spin", I wanted to make a measurable goal.  So, 50 it is!  I have currently been to 12 classes, which doesn't seem like a lot but I've only been going for about two months.  I'm keeping track and have classes scheduled and on my calendar and I am ready to accomplish them!

READ 30 BOOKS // Another reading goal for this year!  I finished 25 books in 2019 so I'm challenging myself a little more and adding 5 more to that number.  I've already started my first book of 2020 and a post of everything that I read in 2019 is coming soon!

MAKE JOURNALING A HABIT // I talked about this a little bit earlier, but I have a Five Minute Journal which is a gratitude journal for morning and night, and I've been loving it so far!  I think that by using this and since it's a guided journal I will have more incentive to use it and accomplish my journaling habit.

VISIT COLLEGE FRIENDS MORE // Since I graduated college, I've only seen my friends once.  And even then it was just a few.  I want to visit my old university more and go to the Chicago area to visit my friends too since that's where the majority of them live.  Money has been a major reason, but I miss them so dearly and know that they are friends for life for me, so I really want to make that effort more than once in the new year.

VOLUNTEER // At school, I was a Gamma Phi Beta and because of that, did lots of volunteering and philanthropy events for my sorority.  I haven't volunteered since I graduated, and really loved our philanthropy, Girls on the Run, and would love to volunteer as a coach or something or become involved with them in some way.  So hopefully this year I can find a way to be involved with them or even join an Alumnae chapter of Gamma Phi Beta because I miss being a part of something like that.

BE PRESENT // I hate that as a Gen Z/Millennial, I go on my phone as something to do when I'm waiting for something or even just sitting around with my family and friends.  I want to be more conscious about leaving my phone in my bag or just not picking it up when I really don't need to.  I want to spend as much quality time with my friends and family as often as possible to really enjoy the special moments we have together.

And that's pretty much it!  Let me know what your goals for the new year are and if we have any similar ones!

xoxo, Hannah


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