I Graduated From College!

Long time, no post!  As usual, school got the best of me, BUT, I'm here for a little update!  Last Sunday, May 19, I graduated Cum Laude from Bradley University.

It still feels so surreal to me!  I've talked about this on my blog before, but I had a really really hard freshman year.  I called my mom and wanted to transfer at least once a week, I was homesick all the time, and became a shell of my former self.  It was a huge transition and instead of pushing myself, I drew myself into my shell and waiting for something good to happen to me.

But you know what?  It got so much better.  I started meeting the right people, joined so many organizations and got more involved in organizations that I was already a part of, and finally started to find myself.  I now have friends that have become my family, and it was so incredibly hard to leave them.  I've had the most amazing professors and faculty who I feel have truly prepared me for my future career.  I also have an incredible family who have supported me through the highs and lows of these past four years.  I am so blessed to have them and truly think that I was given the best family on the planet.

Now, this isn't to say that staying and sticking it out works for everyone.  It doesn't.  I know so many people who have transferred schools and loved their new university so much more than their old one.  I'm just so thankful that by sticking through these four years, it did get better and turned into truly the best few years of my life so far.

I also wanted to mention that I graduated with no job lined up.  I started applied in January of this year, and have either have heard no response or have not made it past a few interviews.  It's been incredibly frustrating because I'm not sure what else I can do.  All semester, I've been watching my friends and peers receive job offers and accept while I'm struggling to find an interview.  I just wanted to put it out there that it is okay to not have something lined up post-grad.  I'm job searching every single day and putting my resume out as much as I can.  The right thing will come because I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.  So if you are in the same boat and are struggling to find a job, an internship, or anything, just remember that everything happens for a reason and what is meant to be will be.

So to my fellow graduates, congratulations and I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us!

xoxo, Hannah


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