
Showing posts from December, 2018

2018 in Photos

I seriously cannot believe that we are only three days  away from 2019!  So much has happened in 2018, and I have seen people documenting their year on Instagram Stories by showing one photo per month.  So, instead of putting it on Instagram Stories where it will go away after 24 hours, I thought I would post it here so I could look back on it in the future.  So, without further ado, let's get started! JANUARY // I rang in 2018 with two of my best friends from home!  We saw "The Greatest Showman" the night before, played Cards Against Humanity, and went to brunch the next morning. FEBRUARY // In February, I got to visit one of my best friends from home play her dream role as Mary Poppins!  She was absolutely fantastic, and could not have been more proud of her! MARCH //  In March, I traveled with my dance team to compete for the first time since I was in middle school!  We won platinum, first in our category, and the judges award f...

Fall 2018 Semester Snapshots

Since I basically didn't post all of this past semester, I thought I would do a quick recap of what I did!  Prepare for a long and picture heavy post! I started out the semester by celebrating my 21st birthday with my friends from school!  My sorority does something called a "Paddle Party" when someone turns 21.  I joined together with five other girls in my pledge class who had birthdays over the summer so we could all celebrate together, and my best friend made my paddle for me! With that, my birthday celebrations were officially over after three whole months!  I then spent the next few weeks as a Rho Gamma, or recruitment counselor.  This means that I disaffiliated from my sorority and had a small group of girls going through recruitment, and helped them find the best sorority for them. I had so much fun getting to know so many other women in other sororities, and met people that I otherwise would not have been friends with.  I also helped...