
Showing posts from May, 2020

What I Learned at 22

As you all are reading this, it is my 23rd birthday!  This year has been absolutely crazy and definitely not what I expected to come from it, but I've loved everything about it and wouldn't change anything (except maybe the global pandemic part...).  I always love to reflect on the past year and see how I've changed.  Each year I feel like I'm growing more and more into myself and I genuinely really like who I'm becoming.  So here are just a few things that I've learned in the past year, and I can't wait to see what 23 will bring! MAN PLANS, GOD LAUGHS //  I've really learned the truth of this in the past year.  I did not see myself taking an unpaid internship after graduating from college.  But that internship opened so many doors for me.  It gave me incredible experience, taught me what I wanted in the future, introduced me to one of my best friends, and gives me great volunteering opportunities.  I also took my first adult job at the...

Quarantine Purchases

It's been (almost) two months of staying at home.  At the beginning of all of this, I was seeing some positives such as saving money now that I won't be going out with friends or even getting gas since I wouldn't be driving to and from work.  This is also my first time have an "adult" pay check, so having that much money in my bank account for the first time is very tempting as well.  I've started a budgeting spreadsheet to see exactly where my expenses are going each month and to hopefully prevent me from over spending.  This is somewhat working, but temptation is definitely still there for me!  Most of my purchases have been from the holy grail, Amazon, and I have loved everything that has come in so far!  I thought I would share what I've bought these past few months, both what has arrived and what hasn't yet in case you were looking for a little retail therapy, too! Amazon Basics Yoga Mat //  I bought this right at the beginning of the stay ...