I Graduated From College!
Long time, no post! As usual, school got the best of me, BUT, I'm here for a little update! Last Sunday, May 19, I graduated Cum Laude from Bradley University. It still feels so surreal to me! I've talked about this on my blog before, but I had a really really hard freshman year. I called my mom and wanted to transfer at least once a week, I was homesick all the time, and became a shell of my former self. It was a huge transition and instead of pushing myself, I drew myself into my shell and waiting for something good to happen to me. But you know what? It got so much better. I started meeting the right people, joined so many organizations and got more involved in organizations that I was already a part of, and finally started to find myself. I now have friends that have become my family, and it was so incredibly hard to leave them. I've had the most amazing professors and faculty who I feel have truly prepared me for my fu...